
Just Say Know!

Chemical Compound: N-methylamphetamine

Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug meaning it increases nerve signals in your brain and between your brain and body. Ice is the common name for crystal methamphetamine, while speed is the common name for less pure powdered methamphetamine. Despite the different names, speed and ice are typically the same substance in Australia, with the main differences being appearance and purity. Ice is generally found in the form of white translucent crystal, and speed is usually a white or off-white powder, although methamphetamine can also be found in pills. Methamphetamine stimulates the release of dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin from nerve cells in the brain. It is quickly and completely absorbed by the brain which is what causes the high to come on so quickly and intensely. Some studies suggest that smoking or injecting methamphetamine can be more habit-forming than snorting or swallowing it

General Information

How it’s Taken: Can be smoked, swallowed, snorted, injected, or plugged (rectal administration using a syringe without a needle).

Duration of Effects:
Total duration:
4-8 hours
Onset: 0-10 minutes
Peak: 2-4 hours
Coming down: 2-4 hours
Hangover/after effects: 2-24 hours
Even though the apparent effects of the drug wear off after 6 hours, the drug is still active in your system for at least 12 hours after you have taken it. It is important to take this into consideration if choosing to use other substances

Most Common Effects:

  • Increased energy Insomnia/restlessness

  • Dilated pupils

  • Increased heart rate/blood pressure

  • Increased body temperature

  • Decreased appetite

  • Tightening jaw muscles

  • Grinding/clenching teeth

  • Stomach cramps

  • Dehydration

  • Shortness of breath

  • Euphoria

  • Increased confidence

  • Increased focus

*Effects vary greatly from one person to another

Less Common Effects:

  • Dizziness

  • Headache

  • Compulsive picking or scratching skin

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Irritability/Aggression

  • Diarrhoea

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Tooth decay and gum disease

  • Anxiety/Panic attacks

  • Paranoia Mania/Excited delirium

  • Hyperactivity

Rare Effects:

  • Risk of seizure, stroke, heart attack or coma

  • Suicidal thoughts, especially when coming down

  • Psychosis Depression

  • Collapse

Possible Long-term effects:

These effects are possible with extended use:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Hyper excitability

  • Paranoia

  • Irritability

  • Insomnia

  • Weight loss

  • Damage to cartilage in nose

  • Compromised immune system

Call 000 if experiencing an adverse effects, feel unwell or concerned in any way

Safer Using Tips :

  • Use in a safe environment with people that you trust.

  • Do not drink too much water as this can be fatal. Drink 1 cup of water (250 mL) per hour when relaxing or 2 cups (500 mL) per hour when dancing/exercising. Switch water with an electrolyte drink from time to time.

  • Eat well before and after using methamphetamine; your body needs fuel for you to have a good time. A meal replacement drink or healthy smoothie can be used if you can’t manage a proper meal.

  • SLEEP! Many of the undesirable effects of methamphetamine are caused by sleep deprivation.

  • Take care of your teeth – methamphetamine use can affect your dental health as a result of dry mouth, teeth grinding, and acidic saliva leading to enamel damage, gum disease, cavities, etc.

  • Plan some recovery time after your sesh before you have to do anything important. Eat some wholesome food and rehydrate with your favourite movie or TV show to keep you company.

  • Reagent test kits are legal and available to purchase online and can provide an estimation of the contents of drugs.


  • Crush crystals into a fine powder before snorting and snort water before and after to avoid damaging the protective lining in your nose.

  • Snorting methamphetamine can be painful due to the acidic nature of some residual impurities from its manufacture or cutting agents.

  • Use your own clean straw for snorting to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV and hepatitis C - do not use bank notes or share straws.


  • Don’t hold in vapour longer than 3 seconds as most of the drug has been absorbed by that time and holding longer just increases toxicity.

  • Use your own equipment to reduce the risk of transmission of blood borne viruses.

  • Clean your pipe regularly by placing in boiling water for a few minutes


  • If injecting, care needs to be taken to avoid infections, hepatitis C and HIV. Contact NUAA on (02) 8354 7300, 1800 644 413 (free call), or visit their website HERE

  • Use sterile water or the safest alternative to mix up the drug. Remember bacteria in the water can make you sick.

  • Always dispose of injecting equipment safely – DanceWize NSW has sharps bins and can dispose of equipment for you.


  • Use sterile water to mix up the drug.

  • Make sure all equipment is new and sterile, and that you are not sharing anything with anyone else - speak to DanceWize NSW or an NSP to get sterile injecting equipment.

  • Find a discreet and safe place to do it.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after.

  • Use lube to avoid tearing skin.


Taking drugs is never without risk. Information on dose and length of action are of a general nature. Each person’s response to a drug will depend heavily upon individual factors such as body weight, kidney and liver function. Because most illicit drugs are of unknown purity and weight, use caution when dosing, start low and go slow.

  • A standard dose is between 5 mg and 50 mg (0.005 g - 0.05 g).

  • Purity can vary widely between batches. Try a small amount first to test strength.

  • Doses vary from person to person and route of administration.

  • Start with a small dose to test strength and gauge your tolerance.

  • Try to keep track of how much you have taken and how often you are re-dosing.

  • Allow plenty of time for it to work – while onset of effects is very fast, the peak concentration in the blood may not occur until 2.5 hours after your dose.

Unsafe Combinations:

Meth/Speed combined with…

  • Other stimulants (ecstasy, caffeine etc.) = heart strain, increased anxiety, paranoia, psychosis and stroke.

  • Depressants (GHB, alcohol, opiates, etc.) = heart strain, risk of depressant overdose when methamphetamine wears off or methamphetamine overdose from impaired judgement.

  • Psychedelics (LSD, DMT, etc.) = increased anxiety, paranoia and psychosis.

  • MAOls = increased risk of cardiovascular disorders, psychosis and aggression.

  • MXE = can lead to hypermanic states much more easily.

  • Cold and flu medicine containing decongestants = dangerously high blood pressure.

Take a look at the TripSit drug combinations chart HERE for info on other combinations

not recommended to take if you have/ had:

• Heart conditions
• Hypertension
• Psychosis/ schizophrenia
• Sleep deprivation
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Insomnia
• Or If you are pregnant
Speak to you doctor for more info on drug combinations/health conditions. Call (02) 8354 7300 or 1800 644 413 (free call) for referrals

Roadside Drug test:

It is illegal to drive under the influence of any illicit drugs, including methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is detectable by a saliva test for at least 24-48 hours after use. It’s best not to drive until the effects have completely worn off and you have had a decent sleep. Make sure you take this into consideration when planning your ride home from a festival or event.

Read more about Mobile Drug Testing HERE

More info

This resource is not a complete guide so do some further research. The following websites may help: