Just Say Know!


Chemical Compound: d-lysergic acid diethylamide

LSD is one of the most commonly used psychedelic substances. Though its purest form is a white powder or crystal, LSD is so potent that it is generally diluted and sold as drops, on blotter paper (tabs), or on sugar cubes. Psychedelics affect all the senses, especially auditory and visual senses, leading to hallucinations. Psychedelics alter the way we think, our sense of time, and our emotions. Reactions and experiences can vary dramatically from person to person. Even if you’ve taken LSD many times before, every experience is unique and unpredictable. “Set and setting” are important for a positive experience. ‘Set’ is how you’re feeling when you take a substance. ‘Setting’ is your environment.

Know your mind, know your body, know your substance, and know your limits.

General Information

How it’s Taken: Most commonly put under the tongue or swallowed

Duration of Effects:
Total duration:
6-13 hours
Onset: 20-90 minutes
Peak: 3-6 hours
Coming down: 3-5 hours
Hangover/after-effects: 2-5 hours
Even though the apparent effects of the drug wear off after 8 hours, the drug is still active in your system for 13 hours after you have taken it. The effects may linger until you have slept properly. It is important to remember this if choosing to use other substances.

Most Common Effects:

  • Visual hallucinations

  • Sensory enhancement (taste, smell, touch)

  • Muscle tension

  • Increased sweating / heart rate

  • Difficulty regulating body temperature

  • Dilated pupils

  • Unusual body sensations (chills, goosebumps, tingling)

  • Feeling numb

  • Euphoria

  • Mood lift

  • Meaningful spiritual experiences

  • Uncontrollable laughter

  • Downward spiralling thoughts and emotions

  • Confusion

  • Anxiety

  • Distorted perception of time

*Effects vary greatly from one person to another

Less Common Effects:

  • Synaesthesia (tasting colour, seeing sounds etc.)

  • Increased salivation and mucus production (irritable coughing for some)

  • Nausea – especially during onset

  • Dizziness

  • Yawning (but not tired)

  • Lethargy (feeling heavy)

  • Increased awareness and appreciation of music

  • Feeling of oneness with the universe and all beings within it

  • Blurred boundaries between self and others

  • Increased creative thinking Increased lateral thinking and problem solving Increased suggestibility

Rare Effects:

  • Psychosis or psychotic episode

  • Paranoia, fear and panic

Possible Long-term effects:

  • Some people may re-experience the subjective effects of LSD days, weeks, months, or even years later. These experiences can be as mild as slight changes in perception, through to powerful flashbacks to images and emotions.  

  • Psychedelic drugs may lead to the onset of schizophrenia and other mental health issues if you are genetically predisposed.

Call 000 if experiencing an adverse effects, feel unwell or concerned in any way

Safer Using Tips :

Taking drugs is never without risk. Information on dose and length of action are of a general nature. Each person’s response to a drug will depend heavily upon individual factors such as body weight, kidney and liver function. Because most purchased drugs are of unknown purity and weight, use caution when dosing, start low go slow.

  • LSD is extremely powerful, as an experience and a substance. An average dose is between 75 – 150 micrograms (that’s 0.000075 - 0.000150 g), or one drop or tab.

  • Start with a half or quarter dose to test strength. You can cut a tab into quarters, or mix a drop or sugar cube into a bottle of water (note that chlorine in tap water will destroy LSD) and only drink some of it. Clearly label the bottle and keep it in a safe place so that no one gets accidentally dosed.

  • Give the drug plenty of time to work. LSD can take up to 90 minutes to hit, and other substances sometimes sold as LSD can take even longer.

  • Avoid redosing for at least 2 hours.

  • There have been instances of other potent psychedelics being sold as LSD in Australia. Those substances may have very different effects, doses, and may even be dangerous.

  • 25I-NBOMe is sometimes sold as LSD. The effects can be like LSD; however, it can be lethal even at relatively low doses. It also takes longer to come on than LSD, which is another reason why it’s best to wait at least 2 hours before redosing.

  • Use in a safe environment with people that you trust.

  • Have a person that you trust, preferably an experienced user, present as a trip sitter, especially if it is your first time. Read about trip-sitting HERE

  • Avoid taking LSD if you are feeling upset, emotional, anxious, or depressed. Psychedelics can enhance these feelings.

  • Stretching or meditating before the trip may help to relax

  • Dose yourself, so you have more control

  • Never take drops straight onto your tongue; you could easily take more than you mean to and there’s no way to un-take it.

  • Plan ahead; if you’re at a festival, have warm clothes ready for when the sun goes down.

  • Work out why you are taking the trip and what you hope to get out of it before taking a dose. The best laid plans can be quickly forgotten once you’re tripping.

  • Eat well before your trip and allow some time for the food to digest to prevent nausea.

  • Have regular snacks throughout your trip to keep yourself sustained.

  • When tripping you should eat a meal at sunrise and sunset - these are easy time-markers.

  • Stay hydrated. Do not drink too much water as this can be fatal. Drink 1 cup of water (250 mL) per hour when relaxing or 2 cups (500 mL) per hour wen dancing/exercising. Switch water with an electrolyte drink from time to time.

  • If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious during the experience, tell a trusted friend how you feel and move away from loud music or intense stimuli. Find a nice calm place to relax with your friend and talk about your feelings. Read about trip-sitting HERE

  • Make sure you don’t have anything important to do that day or the next day.

  • Avoid making any big decisions about life or relationships during the experience. Psychedelics distort your thoughts and perceptions, and a decision that may seem like the right one while you’re tripping may not seem so right once you’re sober

Unsafe Combinations:

LSD combined with…

  • Ice and other stimulants = increased risk of anxiety and psychosis

  • Other psychedelics = intensified psychedelic effects and risk of challenging experience

  • Cannabis = confusion, can lead to challenging experience. Can  trigger paranoia or psychosis. Wait until after the peak of the experience is over before using cannabis.

  • Ketamine = affects the intensity of the trip. Can lead to a challenging experience

  • Alcohol = nausea, confusion, blackout

Take a look at the TripSit drug combinations chart HERE for info on other combinations

LSD is not recommended to take if you have or have had:

• Sleep deprivation/insomnia
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Schizophrenia
• Psychotic disorders
• Other mental health issues

Speak to you doctor for more info on drug combinations/health conditions. Call (02) 8354 7300 or 1800 644 413 (free call) for referrals

Roadside Drug test:

It is illegal to drive under the influence of any illicit drugs, including LSD. LSD is not detectable by a saliva test. It’s best not to drive until the effects have completely worn off and you have had a decent sleep. Make sure you take this into consideration when planning your ride home from a festival or event.

Read more about Mobile Drug Testing HERE

More info

This resource is not a complete guide so do some further research. The following websites may help: