
Just Say Know!

Chemical Compound: Benzoylmethylecgonine hydrochloride
Cocaine is a stimulant drug meaning it increases nerve signals in your brain and between your brain and body. It is extracted and refined from the coca plant, which grows primarily at higher altitudes in South America. Cocaine is typically a white or off-white powder with a slightly bitter taste and a numbing effect. Evidence suggests indigenous peoples of South America have chewed coca leaves for over a thousand years. Cocaine was isolated and used in medicine in the late 1800s in a number of anaesthetic applications, including dentistry, eye surgery and spinal anaesthesia.

General Information

How it’s Taken: Most commonly snorted but can be injected or plugged (rectal administration using a syringe without a needle)
Duration of Effects:
Total duration:
1-1.5 hours
Onset: 5-10 minutes
Peak: 20-40 minutes
Coming down: 10-30 minutes
Hangover/after effects: 2-4 hours Even though the apparent effects of the drug wear off after 1.5 hours, the drug is still active in your system for at least 1 hour after you have taken it. Remember this if choosing to use other substances.

Most Common Effects:

  • Increased energy

  • Insomnia

  • Increased heart rate/blood pressure

  • Dilated pupils

  • Increased body temperature

  • Sweating

  • Decreased appetite

  • Euphoria

  • Increased confidence and/or sense of self-importance

  • Increased or decreased sex drive

  • Confusion

*Effects vary greatly from one person to another

Less Common Effects:

  • Nasal vasoconstriction – lack of blood supply to the nose, leading to tissue damage

  • Irritability / Aggression

  • Increased focus

  • Fear

  • Anxiety

Rare Effects:

  • Risk of seizure, stroke or heart attack

  • Psychosis

  • Excited delirium syndrome

  • Paranoia Hallucinations (caused by sleep deprivation)

Possible Long-term effects:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Hyper excitability

  • Paranoia

  • Irritability

  • Insomnia

  • Weight loss

  • Damage to cartilage in nose

  • Compromised immune system

  • Immune (inflammatory) response to cocaine

  • Damage to the muscle tissue of the heart

Call 000 if experiencing an adverse effects, feel unwell or concerned in any way

Safer Using Tips :

Taking drugs is never without risk. Information on dose and length of action are of a general nature. Each person’s response to a drug will depend heavily upon individual factors such as body weight, kidney and liver function. Because most illicit drugs are of unknown purity and weight, use caution when dosing, start low and go slow.

  • A standard nasal dose is between 20 mg and 100 mg (0.02 g - 0.1 g).

  • Start with a small dose to test strength and gauge your tolerance.

  • Cocaine is often used in small doses (bumps) rather than lines.

  • Give it plenty of time to take effect – it could take longer than expected for the effects to fully come on.

  • Cocaine in Australia is often of low purity - it may be cut with a variety of adulterants including lactose, glucose, novocaine, and even meth, heroin, and harmful chemicals.

  • If you choose to use cocaine in another country, be careful when dosing as the strength may be higher than you are used to - start with half!

  • The short duration of effects combined with the unpleasant come down can lead to compulsive redosing. Consider carefully before re-dosing as it is easy to get carried away.

  • Set a limit to how much you plan to use in a session and when you

Unsafe Combinations:

Cocaine combined with…

  • Alcohol = extends the effects of cocaine. Cocaine also reduces the intoxicating effects of alcohol, leading to potentially dangerous binge drinking.

  • Stimulants (speed, ice, caffeine) = heart strain, increased anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis. Cocaine also has a mild blocking effect on amphetamine-type substances, meaning you won’t get as much out of it.

  • Opioids (speed-balling) and other depressants = heart strain, risk of depressant overdose when cocaine wears off.

  • MDMA = blocks some desirable effects of MDMA and increases the risk of heart attack.

  • Psychedelics (LSD, DMT, etc.) = increased potential of anxiety, ‘thought loops’, paranoia, and psychosis.

  • Ketamine = Increased blood pressure and risk of physical injury.

  • MXE = can lead to hypermanic states much more easily.

  • SSRIs/SNRIs = Possibility of convulsions. SNRIs may increase cocaine effects. SSRIs are likely to become less effective with regular cocaine use. SSRIs may also make cocaine less effective.

Take a look at the TripSit drug combinations chart HERE for info on other combinations

Cocaine use is not recommended if you have or have had:

•         Heart conditions
•         Hypertension
•         Thyroid problems
•         Anxiety
•         Depression
•         Psychosis/ schizophrenia
•         Immunodeficiency
•         Or if you are pregnant

Speak to you doctor for more info on drug combinations/health conditions. Call (02) 8354 7300 or 1800 644 413 (free call) for referrals

Roadside Drug test:

It is illegal to drive under the influence of any illicit drugs, including cocaine. Cocaine is detectable by a saliva test for at least 24 hours after use. It’s best not to drive until the effects have completely worn off and you have had a decent sleep. Make sure you take this into consideration when planning your ride home from a festival or event.

Read more about Mobile Drug Testing HERE

More info

This resource is not a complete guide so do some further research. The following websites may help: